Difficult words in English

Today I will tell you some difficult words of English
1. Colonel - It is pronounced as Kuh Nuhl
2. Nonplussed - It is pronounced as Nawn pluhst
3. Enormity It is pronounced as Uh Naw Muh Tee
4. Unabashed - It is pronounced as Unh Uh Basht
Blandishment It is pronounced as Blan Duhsh Muhnt
6. Ascetic  - It is pronounced as Uh Seh Tuhk 
7. Abnegation - It is pronounced as Ab Nuh Gei Shn
8. Adumbrate - It is pronounced as A Duhm Breit
9. Aggrandize - It is pronounced as Uh Gran Dahyz
10. Anachronistic - It is pronounced as Una kruh ni stuhk


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