
Showing posts from April, 2020

Essential Information about Covid-19

COVID-19 is a virus that has affected the whole world. Its symptoms are fever, tiredness, Dry cough,  shortness of breath,  aches and pains and  sore throa t . People with these symptoms should quarantine themself and stay away from other people as there would be a chance of infecting other people.  People with fever, cough or difficulty breathing go to a doctor and must wear a mask in the hospital. The prevention of COVID-19 are mentioned below: Wash your hands regularly with a small interval of time with  soap and water or  alcohol-based hand rub Use disposable tissue or elbow while coughing or sneezing  Maintain a distance of 1 meter or 3 feet while meeting a to someone and always wear a mask Stay at home and self-isolate yourself if you have traveled internationally and go to the doctor if you have any of the symptoms mentioned above in red color The WHO on Wednesday,  March 11 Declared COVID-19 as a pandemic. The total cases of CO...