
Showing posts from October, 2019

Outdoor games

Kids need games in order to develop social, cognitive and motor skills, learn how to establish rules through negotiation and dialogue along with developing their minds and bodies. In addition, children that are engaged in playing games more often, spend less of their time playing video or computer games indoors which lowers the chances of a sedentary lifestyle. Playing games outdoors is one of the healthiest alternatives for kids to enjoy the fresh air along with establishing an important relationship with nature and other children.  Games At The Beach For those who reside in coastal cities, promenades and the seashore are the ideal spots for developing a healthy habit when it comes to outdoor play. Many beaches already offer games facilities, which usually include beach soccer and volleyball, bike paths, skateboard and skating tracks. Even without these facilities, it is easy to create games using a few simple materials. For example, a few stones can be used for goalpos...